My five master clips

 My five master edits - YouTube

This is my master five edits, which I believe to be peak cinema. 

The first scene, "Dunken run" Consists of Music, and diegetic sound. The sounds here are straight forward, bringing attention to the overall plot of running to Dunken donuts for coffee. The music brings a cheerful and exciting tone, and the diegetic sound brings more real and relatable effect to the character. 

The second scene, "Hunger" features a wide range of sound edits. The entire scene has offscreen sound, post synchronization sound, voiceover, synchronization, diegetic sound, and sonic flashback. Diegetic sound and synchronization/post synchronization helps the character and audience understand her surroundings, helping move the plot along. The voiceover was used cleverly to not only fix a poorly said line, but also provide audio for the sonic flashback later in the scene. The use of post synchronization also helped add the sound effect of hungry chickens in the background, creating a empathetic and sad emotion for the audience. Finally, as the character selfishly takes a bite of food for herself, a sonic flashback helps remind the reader of the motive (which is no excuse) and creates shock and anger. 

The third scene, "Chicken life" Is a simple tale of a chicken and breaking its cover as a chicken (similar to the Truman show.)  This scene has voice over, diegetic sound, direct sound, and synchronous sound. These sounds all equally contribute to the strange story of the chicken who can talk. It is assumed, with the voice over, that it is normal for chickens can talk giving a neutral tone. Also, with the charismatic voice acting, some may find this chicken relatable. The diegetic, direct, and synchronous sound also help the audience relate and feel immersed in the scene, almost as if they are a chicken. Finally, the friend chicken talking with a deep voice gives a comedic affect, especially when they scold the main character for breaking cover.   

The fourth scene, "short nap" stars a regular student accidently taking a long nap. This scene has direct sound, diegetic sound, music and post synchronous sound. The use of minimal sound effects help make the plot more straightforward, making it more immersive and relatable. The use of direct sound helps the audience only hear what is needed, and the post synchronous sound is a helpful tool to help the dramatic sound effect at the end of the story. The end, "music" or dramatic sound, is the cherry on top to show the seriousness of the situation (8+ assignments due that day from a regular's course). 

The final fifth scene is the most scary (PERFECT for the Halloween season!). This scene has direct, diegetic, music, and post synchronous sound. The direct and diegetic sound helps with immerse the audience, to make the second clip even more scary. When the evil turkey is revealed, a music (sound effect) is used along with post synchronous sound to scare the audience. Then, the next clip is the main character running for her life. While she runs, it was difficult to get the running sound on video, so I used a handy post synchronous sound to add a running sound effect. 


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